Unsafe password detected!

The password you just entered has been found in 1.371.079 data breaches. This password is not safe to use.

This means attackers can easily find this passwoed online and will often try to access accounts with it.

If you are currently using this password, please change it immediately to protect yourself. If you want to create a strong and safe passwor we recommend using our Password Generator Tool.
Generate safe password

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Check Your Password Exposure

Password credentials are inadvertently exposed every day due to vulnerable systems with insufficient access controls. Cybersecurity weaknesses lead to the data breaches we consistently see headlining the news. Use this security tool to check if your password has been exposed across known data breaches. All entries are 100% secure and Net Friends does not store them in any way, nor do we share them with anyone. Read our Privacy Policy.

Enter Password to Check Breach Exposure

Entries are 100% secure and not stored in anyway or shared with anyone.

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More Cybersecurity Tools

IP Subnet Calculator

Leverage CIDR mapping to generate diverse and unique IP addresses within a CIDR range.
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How Secure Is My Password?

Score the complexity of your passwords to safeguard your identity and withstand cyber hacking attempts.
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