Managed IT Services

Breaking Down MSP Pricing

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Limited IT budgets are a common hurdle for small businesses, but reliable IT is crucial for success.  

The question is: are you reacting to IT problems as they arise, or taking a proactive approach to prevent them?

Reacting to IT issues disrupts your workflow and can be more expensive overall. While it might seem cheaper upfront, consider if it is a conscious choice due to budget constraints, or if it is because you lack the internal resources (time or expertise) to be proactive.

The key is to choose the right IT solution, not just play whack-a-mole with problems. By carefully assessing your specific IT needs, you can evaluate different support options and find the one that delivers the most value for your budget. A proactive approach builds a solid IT foundation, saving you money, minimizing downtime, and keeping your business running smoothly.

How to Choose the Right IT Solution

  • Identify your needs: What are your core IT functions? Do you need data backup, cybersecurity protection, or ongoing maintenance?
  • Consider your budget: Managed service providers (MSPs) offer comprehensive support, while in-house IT staff may be an option for larger businesses. (Gartner recommends 4-6% of your revenue to be dedicated towards IT, this blog details how to set an IT budget: Top 4 Things to Consider When Building an IT Budget)

By taking a proactive approach and choosing the right IT solution, you will invest in a solid foundation for your business success.

What Type of Support Do You Need?

Your IT support options are flexible: Break/Fix, internal IT staff, partial outsourcing, and full IT management. Each caters to specific business needs. The key is to find the solution that best fits your company.

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Break/Fix Support

Break/Fix support, as the name suggests, is like having an IT plumber. They swoop in to address immediate problems such as a crashed computer or network outage. This reactive approach is ideal for very small companies with limited IT needs. However, it does not involve proactive maintenance, which can lead to bigger issues down the road. The expense of each fix can balloon over time and create unpredictable costs, especially if root challenges are never fully addressed. Reactive support rarely includes addressing root causes, as the primary emphasis is on quick patches that do the minimum to get things back on track.

Internal IT Staff

Hiring an internal IT staff member seems like a step towards proactive IT management, but it presents unique challenges for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Attracting and retaining qualified personnel can be difficult. SMBs often lack the experience to effectively evaluate candidates, offer career growth opportunities, or manage an IT professional. If the single IT person leaves, the business can be left scrambling. This highlights that hiring internally does not necessarily "solve" IT needs – the problems simply shift. However, an internal IT technician offers some benefits. They can manage systems, identify potential issues, and implement preventative measures, promoting a more proactive shift. The challenge lies in finding a single person with expertise across all IT domains. A single person has limits on their availability, as they cannot be in two places at one time, expand to surge when there’s high demand, and they need time off as well. Larger businesses often address this by having several IT support technicians and dedicated IT directors or managers oversee operations.

Partial IT Outsourcing

Small businesses are often lured by the seemingly low cost of partial IT outsourcing, like network management or backups. Often there is an assumption that by having some sort of minimal coverage, the business can expand IT support on an as-needed basis. However, this approach can be a trap. It often sweeps other critical IT needs under the rug, leaving vulnerabilities and important IT management duties unaddressed. These "cheaper" solutions may provide minimal protection, and their true value becomes evident only when disaster strikes – a network outage, data loss, or a virus infiltrating your system. By then, the damage is done.

Full IT Management

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offer a full suite of IT support services, encompassing everything from a help desk and network management to strategic IT planning. This comprehensive approach ensures all your IT needs are met, often in a more cost-effective way than building a large internal team.

After identifying your IT support needs, the next step is finding a provider who seamlessly integrates with your business. For many small businesses, MSPs offer an unbeatable combination of service and expertise. Unlike building a large internal IT team, MSPs provide access to a wider range of skills and experience at a potentially lower cost. This allows you to leverage their knowledge and proactive approach to keep your IT infrastructure running smoothly, freeing your team to focus on core business activities.

Balancing IT Budget and Needs Infographic - Net Friends
Balancing Your IT Budget and Needs

Evaluating MSP Proposals

Price is undeniably a key factor when evaluating a proposal. It is the most tangible element, and often the first thing we consider. However, focusing solely on the price tag can lead to missed opportunities or costly mistakes. Embrace a comprehensive evaluation that considers not just the upfront cost, but also the proposal's long-term value and potential benefits. Consider:

  • Support Costs: What happens if you need additional support outside your contract? Look into the MSP's hourly rates for unforeseen issues.
  • Proactive Maintenance: Does the MSP offer regular system updates and maintenance? This proactive approach can prevent problems from escalating and potentially offset the higher initial cost by reducing the need for reactive repairs.
  • Strategic Partnership: Is the MSP looking to become a valued member of your team? Some MSPs offer vCIO (virtual Chief Information Officer) services, providing guidance and shaping your IT strategy. While this service may come at an additional cost, it can be invaluable for your business.
Pro-Tip: Net Friends has a pricing calculator you can use to get an estimate of our services.

While the core costs for established MSPs are similar, significant price differences can signal missing services. Consider what might be excluded in a lower-priced offer, and how much you might be charged for those services later. Similarly, consider the benefits of added services in a higher priced option.

Considering the Intangible Value

In assessing an MPS’s offer, consider how it will streamline your operations and save you time. A provider that offers comprehensive support or automated solutions can free up your schedule, allowing you to concentrate on core business activities. The convenience of having expert support on hand should not be underestimated, as it is a key component of a smoothly running business.

Also, think about the long-term strategic benefits. Will the managed services help you achieve your future objectives? Investing in managed IT services with a focus on scalability and security, for example, may have a higher initial cost, but can provide significant savings and advantages as your business grows. Such services ensure that your IT infrastructure evolves with your business, thereby supporting your long-term vision and goals.

By taking a holistic approach, you can move beyond the initial price tag and make an informed decision. Consider the offer's long-term value, potential hidden costs, and how it aligns with your needs and budget. Remember, the most expensive option is not always the worst deal, and the cheapest might not be the most cost-effective overall.

Your business deserves an IT strategy that meets your budget and support needs. Net Friends can help you build a customized plan that aligns with your goals, optimizes your budget, and provides the support you need to thrive. We will work closely with you to understand your specific challenges and opportunities and develop a roadmap to future success. Let us partner to create an IT infrastructure that drives your business forward. Schedule a meeting today.

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- Why You Need More Than A Break/Fix IT Partner
- Top 7 Signs You Deserve Better IT Support
- Top 4 Things to Consider When Building an IT Budget

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